Our future goal is to provide worldwide access to high quality physical examinations and therapy. The CEO, head of organisation and contact person is Senior Physician (OA) Dr. Leonhard Harpf. He will help you with any questions concerning our medical packages. The CEO and managing director of the cardiac rehab and head of therapy is sport scientist Heimo Traninger, MA. He will be in charge of exercise prescription...., as well as his deputy head of exercise therapy and sport scientist Claudia Hödl, MA.
Everybody who has any cardiovascular health related problem and seeks for best medical care.
It is a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty, heart surgery or suffer from arrhythmia, aortic aneurysm, cardiomyopathy, heart valve problems, pericarditis, peripheral artery disease or any other cardiovascular health related problem.
Anybody who has a high-risk profile for cardiovascular disease such as: high blood pressure, high lipid profile (cholesterol), smoking, lack of exercise, diabetes, overweight, obesity, lack of sleep and stress.
Anybody who must fulfill high performance expectations and is experiencing stress.
It is a medically supervised program designed to improve not only your general health and fitness but also very importantly your mental fitness (resilience). Every manager experiences stress and adversity, but must be able to bounce back in order to meet new challenges. Resilience is your ability to adapt well and recover quickly after stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. Developing resiliency - with e.g., mindfulness strategies - is a neuroplastic process your brain can learn.+
Also food has a direct impact on our cognitive performance. Therefore, you will develop a healthy diet with the help of a nutrition expert. With high levels of stress the intake of minerals and vitamins can be different to the average person.
Anybody who cannot come to Graz, Austria but is interested in high quality medical care.
We come to your place. Depending on the package you need, specialists from our team (including Senior Physician Dr. Leonhard Harpf) will come to your place and provide you with high quality medical health and fitness care.
Get in contactGet in touch with us!
Eggenberger Allee 37/Gaswerkstraße 1a 8020 Graz
Phone: +43 316 58 27 44
Fax: +43 316 58 27 44-40
Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten, wir bitten Sie auf Grund der aktuellen Corona-Situation folgende Hinweise zu beachten:
Laut COVID-19 Notmaßnahmenverordnung ist bis auf weiteres das Tragen einer FFP-2-Maske an unserem Institut verpflichtend.
Sollten Sie Symptome wie Fieber, Husten oder grippale Beschwerden haben, kommen Sie bitte NICHT.
Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kooperation.
Das Team des PRO- Kompetenzzentrum für Gesundheit